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Colitrim 100 ml

Colitrim 100 ml
Regular price $27.00
Regular price Sale price $27.00
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  • Coltrim is a solution for injection, which contains sulfadiazine and trimethoprim.
  • Coltrim is used to treat infections of the digestive, respiratory and reproductive tracts.
  • For use with cattle, horses, cats and dogs.

Dosage and method of use of Coltrim

  • Dosage for cows: 1 ml per 15 kg of animal weight, slow intramuscular or intravenous injection.
  • Dosage for horses: 1 ml per 15 kg of animal weight, by slow intravenous injection.
  • Dosage for cats and dogs: 1 ml per 7.5 percent of the animal's weight, by subcutaneous injection.


  • Keep collie trim away from light.
  • Store it below 30°C.
  • Close the packaging after use
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