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Tonophosphan® Vet 100 ML

Tonophosphan® Vet 100 ML
Regular price $29.00
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Each ml contains Sodium salt of 4-dimethylamine,2-methylphenyl-phosphonic acid 0.2 g. It is used for improving metabolism, milk production and fertility in livestock.


Each ml contains: Sodium salt of 4-dimethylamino-2-methyl-phenylphosphinic acid (Toldimfos Sodium): 0.2 gm

Indications for use:

Species: Species- Cattle, Horse, Pigs, Goat, Sheep, Dogs and Cats

As absorbent and tonic used in general metabolic disorders, debility, exhaustion, reduced milk production and in the treatment of nutritional infertility. Tonophosphan® Vet is recommended in disorders of bones in rickets and osteomalasia to promote callus formation in fractures in combination with Vitamin D preparations, also used for tetany paresis resulting from calcium, magnesium and phosphorus imbalance ( in combination with calcium and magnesium therapy.)

Dosage and Administration:

Depending on size and weight

Cattle, Horse: 5 – 20 ml by intravenous inject.

Pigs: 5 – 20 ml by intravenous inject.

Sheep, goats: 1 – 3 ml by intravenous inject According to the size and weight of the animal. Dosage should be repeated at short intervals (of 1 – 3 days) until recovery is evident.

Dogs, Cats: 1 – 3 ml by subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous injection. For chronic conditions, 5 – 10 subcutaneous or intramuscular injections should be given at 48 hours interval with the dose rate of 1 – 2 ml.

Withdrawal Period:

Meat-0 days, Milk- 0 days


Store below 25 0C.

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