Each ml contains:
Hydrochlorothiazide................ ................ ......50 mg
Dexamethasone........................................0.5 mg
For horse:
- Congestion and edema of different origins.
- Sheath edema.
- Anasarca.
- Edema in allergic conditions.
For cattle, sheep, camels:
- Congestion and edema of udder.
- Persisting edema during lactation.
- Pulmotary congestion and edema.
- Edematous infiltration of surgical wounds.
- Edema in allergic conditions.
Dosage and direction for use:
Horse, cattle, camels: IM or IV.
- Preventive treatment : 10ml daily for 3 days.
- Curative treatment:
+ Congestion and light edema: 10ml daily for 2-3 days.
+ Congestions and severe edema: 20ml daily for 2 days and 10ml the 3rd day.
Sheep, foals and calves: 2ml/40-50 kg bw daily
Withdrawal time:
Horse, camel: Meat 72 hours.
Cattle, sheep: Meat: 72 hours; Milk: 48 hours.
Storage: Store at temperture not exeeding 30o C. Strictly keep away from
sunlight and avoid heat exposure.