Estrumate 20 ml
Cloprostenol is a synthetic prostaglandin analogue structurally related to Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α), for use in cattle and horses. As a potent luteolytic agent it causes functional and morphological regression of the corpus luteum (luteolysis) in cattle and horses followed by return to oestrus and normal ovulation.
Note There is a refractory period of four to five days after ovulation when cattle and horses are insensitive to the luteolytic effect of prostaglandins. Estrumate has a good safety margin and does not impair fertility. No deleterious effects have been reported on the progeny conceived at the oestrus following treatment.
Suboestrus or non-detected oestrus
Induction of parturition
Termination of normal pregnancy
Termination of abnormal pregnancy
Mummified foetus
Hydrops of the foetal membranes
Chronic endometritis (pyometra)
Ovarian luteal cysts
Controlled breeding